The ‘reculées’ (literally: moved back) are deep and narrow valleys bordered by cliffs and high steep walls coming to dead ends and at the base of which you will always find a cave or an underground waterway from which a resurgence brings to life a river which then occupies the bottom of the valley. They were created at the end of ice ages by a progressive glacial retreat of the beginning of the valley to inside the plateau, as a result of strong frosts and the erosion of the plateau by the underground rivers that tirelessly eat away at the calcareous basement. You will see the destructive effects of the water by visiting one of these caves and will be surprised by these famous “potholes” connected by small channels. You will discover these beautiful places while walking on at the bottom of the valley or along cliffs and will admire breathtaking landscapes
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according to your tastes and desires
8 Days
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