The Cathar trail has little to do with an historical route. However this footpath, which starts on the Mediterranean bordure ending in Foix, sited in the Ariege Pyrenees, shall lead you onto the tracks of one of many historical dramas. There you shall discover many contrasted and breathtaking landscapes along with remains of fortified castles built on the frontier between French and Aragon Kingdoms. These fortresses, true eagle nests perched atop rocky outcrops were used by the Cathars, heretics to the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, and which persecuted and aimed at destroying them for nearly a century. The landscapes are magnificent and diversified, thus making you pass from ocean to mid-height mountain views with their rugged relief while enjoying the Pyrenees as background. The plain gives way to vineyard covered hillsides while forests and grasslands make way for arid and semi barren causses (limestone plateau in south central France). You shall cross deep and narrowed gorges and climb few high pitches before reaching the remains of Cathar castles. Monségur, Quéribus, Puilaurens, Aguilar, Peyrepertuse…
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9 Days
Lac RiviereMontagne
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